
Fuel Your Strength

The Fuel Your Strength podcast is all about helping women who lift weights get stronger, fuel themselves (without counting every bite of food), perform better in and out of the gym, and take up space. Strength nutrition strategist and weight lifting coach Steph Gaudreau shares how lifting weights is a catalyst for a more expansive life and how to challenge the status quo around nutrition and fitness. This weekly show brings you discussion about building strength without obsessing about food and exercise, lifting weights, food psychology, and more. You'll learn how to eat, train, recover, listen to your body, and step into your strength.
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Now displaying: November, 2020
Nov 24, 2020

Learning how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes is critical for understanding the political, pathological, and personal ways in which black women and women of color experience their relationship to food. The truth is, food affects people differently, especially when it comes to their racial identity, and it is only by shedding the societal ‘should’s’ and outdated believes that we can soar higher.

Key Takeaways

If You Want To Better Understand Why Food Is Political, Pathological, and Personal You Should:

  1. Hold space for the anger of black women and women of color 
  2. Stand with black women and women of color in solidarity 
  3. Do not shrink into shame but instead shine in power
  4. Ask how best you can support black women and women of color
  5. Become committed to the sisterhood and stop living from a scarcity mindset
  6. Understand the lasting effects of food insecurity and racism
  7. Create space for people to work through their pain without trying to rescue them
  8. Embrace the incredible journey of discovering your own soul
  9. Let go of the beliefs that undermine your gifts and strengths

Putting Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes with SharRon Jamison

SharRon Jamison is a teacher, leader, minister, author, entrepreneur, and life strategist who is passionate about helping others be who they were born to be instead of settling for what society has told them to be. Through her own experience with racial injustice, eating disorders, and the patriarchy, SharRon breaks down boundaries and exposes inequalities so that women can come together and heal as a community.

Down With the Patriarchy

The patriarchy that we have been socialized into thrives by pitting women against each other and forcing a scarcity mindset. We are told not to trust other women and to compete with them as if there is only room for one of us at the top. While there is evidence of a light being turned on in America, we are still at the beginning stages of this illumination.

SharRon sees the first step to dismantling the patriarchy as white women coming together and standing with black women and women of color. Next, we need to embrace our ability to not shrink in shame but rather to shine in our power. Thirdly, white cis-gendered people need to be vocal about asking marginalized communities how they can provide support. Finally, by being committed to the sisterhood, we can spread the education necessary to stop wounding people of color.

Racism, Food, and the Diet Industry

Food is political, can be pathological, and is very personal. Many things may impact your ability to be healthy that are not directly in your control. This plays into the patriarchal system by keeping those oppressed and giving them very little opportunity to rise up from that oppression. 

The BUGS (beliefs that undermine your strengths and gifts) that society has told you to believe are true are keeping people suffering. SharRon wants you to remember who you were before society told you that you were not enough, and work to help others without the same privileges to stop being ignored by this broken system. Equip yourself with the tools, remember who you are, and advocate for other people so that we can step into the illumination that so many desperately need to see.

Have you ever connected the dots between systematic oppression, patriarchy, diet culture, and racism? Share how you are working to heal the ‘sister wound’ through sisterhood in the comments on the episode page.


In This Episode

  • The four steps that you can take to come together with other women and heal the collective wounds of the patriarchy (9:03)
  • Personal ways that being a black woman has altered SharRon’s relationship with food (15:29)
  • Why food carries different political, pathological, and personal weight for women of color (18:32)
  • How your racial background and socioeconomic status can impact your health and wellbeing (24:01)
  • The importance of decolonizing your thinking and connecting your history to your density (28:15)



“We are being used as puppets to wound each other. And when we are aware of what is happening, we will stop wounding each other and start winning with each other and change the entire status quo.” (8:05)

“Just like a fish does not know they are swimming in water, sometimes we do not know that we are swimming in this toxic pool called white supremacy.” (11:32)

“I think that it is really, really important that people see how racism touches every aspect of their lives. So now, a lot of black women are not getting help, and anytime you don’t get help, you don’t get hope.” (18:10)

“People are hurting, and it is overlooked because when you are a person of color, you don’t have visibility. Or you are deemed as less valuable. So I feel pain, but I also feel pride. I feel pride because, despite limited resources, people find a way.” (24:42)

“Who were you before society told you who you were? You were amazing before you were socialized to be second class, before racism, before sexism, before ableism. You came to the world amazing, greatness is in your DNA!” (28:47)



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What Not To Say To Women Of Color by SharRon Jamison

Dare To Be Me Program

Deciding To Soar 2: Unwrapping Your Purpose by SharRon Jamison

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Nov 17, 2020

Diet culture sucks. The stories that we have been conditioned to believe about our worth, the patriarchy, white supremacy, and so much more all play into how we feel about movement, exercise, and our bodies. Instead of viewing your exercise routine as a way to manipulate your body, I challenge you to embrace the limitless other benefits of movement. 

Key Takeaways

If You Want To Embrace The Infinite Benefits of Movement and Exercise You Should:

  1. Work to unlearn what you have been taught to be true and stop focusing on body manipulation
  2. Embrace the positive aspects of movement and exercise that do not have to deal with weight loss
  3. Acknowledge the false ways that you have been defining your worthiness and work to shift your mindset towards something more positive
  4. Lean into the things you don’t know and unpack the beliefs you have for yourself

Removing Diet Culture From Movement with Christina Montalvo

Christina Montalvo is a great friend, coach, gym owner, and someone who has personally been fucked over by diet culture. She created a unique women’s only strength and conditioning gym that does not encourage fat or weight loss. Christina is here to challenge you to unlearn what you have taught to believe is true and start thinking more critically about the ways you move your body and the reasons behind it.

Embracing the Infinite Benefits of Movement

If you start out having expectations of fat and weight loss when going into a movement routine or working with a trainer, the chances of you feeling disappointed and getting stuck in a cycle of giving up are much higher. Instead of putting pressure around how and why you are moving your body, lean into all of the other benefits of movement and exercise that have nothing to do with weight loss. This can lead to a higher retention rate as a provider and a greater sense of accomplishment as a client. 

Unlearning What You Have Been Taught To Believe Is True

There is a good chance that if you choose to engage in movement solely to manipulate your body, there is a much deeper reason guiding your decision-making. By acknowledging the false ways that you have been defining worthiness, checking your privilege, and making yourself your first priority, you can frame your purpose in a nourishing way instead of ripping yourself down. 

While it may be hard to unlearn how society has told you to engage with movement, it is only by leaning into the things you don’t know and unpacking the beliefs that you hold within yourself that you can truly start to embrace holistic movement and reject diet culture. 

Have you ever experienced an inclusive space where the infinite benefits of exercise and movement are prioritized over weight loss and body manipulation? Share how you work to create that space for yourself and reject diet culture in the comments section of the episode page


In This Episode

  • The importance of separating movement for health and wellness sake from movement for body manipulation sake (8:12)
  • Why associating movement and weight control or body manipulation is a problem (11:10)
  • The role of social justice when dismantling patriarchal standards and diet culture (18:24)
  • How to navigate the space between body autonomy and potentially harmful diet practices (23:38)
  • Common themes that are signs of searching for something deeper than a surface physical transformation (27:02)



“I think what’s harder than learning anything new is unlearning everything that we have always thought to be true.” (10:14)

“The benefits of exercise and intentional movement are absolutely infinite, and it’s so crazy because I think that the benefits can be and are different for everyone.” (13:33)

“In any case where you are solely operating or participating in something from a place of fear or shame, that is not healthy, that is inherently unhealthy, and that is such a detriment to the wellbeing of anyone.” (18:19)

“Obviously a human can autonomously choose fat loss or weight loss, but there is a much deeper reason why they are choosing it.” (26:01)

“Whenever we are engaging in intentional weight loss, everything else in our life becomes much more grayscale. We turn down the intensity and the importance of everything else in our life, and the most important and prevalent thing becomes our bodies, our food choices, our calorie burn, what we look like, what we weigh. And so in some ways, it is a really socially acceptable way to just ignore and pacify ourselves to all these deeper, much more real, much more powerful, much more impactful problems or areas of focus in our lives.” (28:46)



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Nov 10, 2020

Whether you are in a relationship or not, dating requires a large amount of confidence and the belief in extraordinary love within yourself. Dating more confidently and brazenly is all about listening to your body and trusting in the relationship you have with yourself. 

With a little work, support, and reframing, it is possible to view dating as an act of self-care and a space to feel whole within yourself. 

Key Takeaways

If You Want To Approach Your Relationships Brazenly, You Should:

  1. Reject narratives that tell you you are not enough, too much, or anything that is not in line with your truth
  2. Accept that you are the answer to your dating life and what is meant for you will not pass you by
  3. Stop letting the patriarchy influence the thoughts you have about yourself and where you ‘should be’ in life
  4. Normalize celebrating when you are thriving in any aspect of your life, not just dating

The Connection Between Listening To Your Body and Relationships

After working in various fields, Lily Womble quickly rose to become one of the top matchmakers at her firm. This was until she realized that the dating industry is very similar to the diet industry and works to feed on their client's insecurities. So, Lily broke up with the matchmaking game and started Date Brazen to help badass women find extraordinary love within themselves.

Swap Your Checklist for an Essence Based List

Lily believes that dating apps are like McDonald's. Your mind is programmed to want that sugar fix, and the way we have been conditioned encourages us to think that playing the numbers game will bring you more satisfaction. In reality, this false sense of accomplishment can cause more frustration. 

The important thing to remember is that you are the answer to your dating life, not an app, and what is meant for you will not pass you by, regardless if you choose to use an app or not. Instead of basing your checklist off of qualities, you think you want to dig deeper into what that particular hairstyle or height actually means about the core values you are searching for.

Extraordinary Is Possible

As women, we have been conditioned to believe a legacy of narratives that tell us that we are not enough, too much, or incorrect the way we are. It takes incremental work to gain a sense of wholeness again and reject the patriarchy that influences the thoughts we have about ourselves.

By getting to the essence of who you are and being more whole with yourself, you can use that jumping-off point to have fulfilling relationships that are on your terms and will make you feel like the amazing bright star that you are.

What is your brag? We want to know! Tag us on Instagram or share your brag in the comments on the episode page.

In This Episode

  • Why your checklist of what you think you want in a life partner may not actually be serving you (10:10)
  • Tips for navigating online dating when you don’t feel super confident or are afraid of judgment (15:48)
  • How to resolve not feeling like you are enough in order to achieve your relationship goals (22:16)
  • Dismantling the relationship between the patriarchy and how a woman values her worth and views herself (31:08)
  • The difference between celebrating your wins and bragging about yourself all the time (33:05)



“That is how I came to break up with matchmaking and start Date Brazen to help badass women really find extraordinary love within themselves and in their dating lives with reflective work meets tactical action.” (9:58)

“The world is out of our control, there is very little that is in our control. And I think that without guidance, most people who are dating will look for those checklist things like the height, the weight, the college degree; they will look for those things because they think that is all they can control. When, in fact, it is really possible to measure how you feel in someone’s presence.” (14:14)

“What I believe is what is meant for you will not pass you by. So whether or not you choose to date on an app, you will find what is meant for you.” (20:14)

“This is legacy breaking work, and it takes a lot of time, and it takes me a lot of support to get to the place where I can believe I am worthy of extraordinary love and extraordinary relationships and extraordinary money and extraordinary connection.” (26:52)

“I think it is a really beautiful marriage between working on your dating mindset and your dating action plan while also continuing to celebrate who amazing and whole and successful and incredible you are.” (37:21)



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The Brazen Breakthrough Waitlist

Date Brazen Podcast

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Nov 3, 2020

2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year. With the pandemic and the uncertainty of the US election, it is more important than ever to take care of your emotional and mental health. This episode serves as your gentle reminder to take a moment to build up your emotional, mental, and physical resilience by being kind to yourself and others.

Key Takeaways

If You Want To Take Care Of Your Mental And Emotional Health You Should:

  1. Listen to what your body is asking for, meet yourself with kindness, and build up your resilience
  2. Calm your nervous system by reaching out to your support system, giving yourself a break, and surround yourself in comfort
  3. Get out and VOTE

How To Take Care of You

All of the unknowns in the world right not can cause anxiety and overwhelm. Don’t keep these feelings to yourself. Instead, find ways that you can calm your nervous system, reach out to your support systems, surround yourself in comfort, give your eyes a break, and talk kindly to yourself.

Your Vote Matters

Simply existing in America in 2020 is political. Health is political. It is easy to think that your vote doesn't matter. But in reality, we need everyone to get out and vote to hold up our democratic process. I recommend that you vote for candidates and laws that work for and protect the most marginalized and at-risk folks in our country because when we vote to support policies that help people rise up, we all rise up together. Your vote matters, and we need your voice now more than ever.

How are you taking care of your mental and emotional health right now? Share your favorite routines, self-care rituals, and anything else you are doing to feel more at ease with me in the comments section of the episode page.


In This Episode

  • How to focus on your resilience and give your body what it is asking for (4:50)
  • Why you need to calm your nervous system and kick in your parasympathetic nervous system (5:20)
  • The importance of talking kindly to yourself and meeting yourself with compassion (8:15)
  • Why you need to get out and vote today to hold up the democratic process (9:40)



“If you are feeling like this is all super much, you are not alone, at all. And I think it is important to normalize that these feelings are normal and it is okay to have challenging feelings, all emotions are valid.” (3:02)

“I am here to encourage you to check in with yourself and take care of yourself.” (4:26)

“Talk kindly to yourself, it is so so important. Negative mind talk and shaming is never motivating.” (8:27)

“Please vote today if you can. I know not everybody can vote, but if you are able to, please vote. Please get down to the polling station, drop off your mail-in ballot, make sure it is postmarked. I know it can feel like your vote doesn't count, or you are just one voice, but we really need your vote.” (9:51)

“Health is political. Existing in this country is political, and it touches everything.” (10:19)



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